Sunday, 2 September 2012

A Final Filk for Susan's Era

Having watched Asylum of the Daleks last night, I'm glad I finished posting Susan's Tale before it was broadcast. Just sayin'.

This is a post I forgot earlier. I'd been hoping to record it, but I realise now that's unlikely to happen; so here are the lyrics to a filksong for Susan's Era, to be sung to the theme tune from The Flintstones (original TV series):

Granddad! Meet the teachers!
They've been checking out our family.
Kidnapped, in the TARDIS,
Now we're on our way to prehist'ry...

Coal Hill was my all-time favourite place,
Now we will be lost in time and space -

When you're with the Doctor
You'll have a "fight that evil scheme" time,
A "trip and scream" time,
You'll have a scary time!
Next Time:
I really will be starting Vicki's run. Honest!

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